Canare BCJ-JK 75 ohm BNC Extension Adapter

105,53 383,46 

Extension adapter (jack to jack) for 12G-SDI.


Key Features and Benefits

  • BNC Jack to Jack Extension Adapter
  • Gold plated beryllium copper center contact.
  • Return loss for BCJ-JK: 15 dB @ 12GHz

75 ohm BNC Extension Adapter12G-SDI

Type Model Description Standard package
BCJ-JK Jack to Jack, for 12G-SDI 20pcs / 100pcs

< Return loss >

  • BCJ-JK

Technical Note

Voltage Standing – wave Ratio (VSWR) and Return Loss

Terminating the receiving end of a limited length coaxial cable using a resistance value not equal to its characteristic impedance creates a reflected wave that returns back down the cable to the sending end. The result is interference developing between the travelling wave and the return wave which results in a standing wave that causes voltage levels to fluctuate. The degree to which terminating resistance matches the characteristic impedance is indicated using the VSWR or voltage standing-wave ratio standard shown in Fig. 1. Going hand in hand with the VSWR ratio is the return loss factor which measures the size of the reflected wave current in relation to the travelling wave current. (See Fig. 2)

Fig. 1 Voltage Distribution Over Coaxial Cable

VSWR Return Loss (dB)
2 9.54
1.5 13.98
1.2 20.83
1.1 26.44
1.05 32.26
1.02 40.09
1.01 46.06

Fig. 2 VSWR to Return Loss Conversion Table

Additional information

Standard package, pcs.

20pcs., 100pcs.


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